Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bible Study, Healthy Living, & Organization

I signed up for the ladies Bible study on Wednesday nights at our church.  The bible study is the Book of James, and we met together for the first time Wednesday.  I signed up as way to meet and get to know other women.  I am looking forward to the study of the Book of James and getting to know this group of women. 

On Tuesday I met with a friend and we made a commitment to hold each other accountable in the areas of health and exercise.  She and I have been walking together over the last couple months, but both of us had been gaining weight from bad eating habits.  She and her family eat much healthier than my family, but we are being an encouragement to each other as we learn to be healthy.  I haven't been the best role model for my kids and teaching how to be healthy.  I'm challenging myself with small goals throughout the year, so that by the end of 2012 my family and I will be healthier than we were at the beginning of the year. 

This week I accomplished cleaning and organizing the garage enough to accommodate two vehicles plus our bicycles.  Everything except two shelving units is neat and organized.  I know it sounds weird, but when I walk into the garage I can't help but smile.  It's clean and this helps my mood; well, until I have to come back inside to the unorganized house.  I'll be organizing the inside this weekend.  Ive got homeschool items, books, and some other things I don't use anymore, and I need to make more space for the items I do use. 

I know, it's a very random post.  :-)

Well, it's time for me to go finish my cleaning and reorganizing the inside of my house.  After that I plan to do a little bike riding with my favorite family. 

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