Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Finding a Church Home

One of our priorities since moving to Hurst has been to locate a new church home where we could unite in fellowship with a local body of believers to worship and serve the Lord.  We knew we'd have a large selection as there are many wonderful churches throughout the DFW area.  All we needed to do was follow God's leading to the one where He'd have us be apart.

Wes and I had made a mental list of several congregations we wanted to visit and discussed what was important as we searched for a congregation to join.  We knew we wanted to be apart of a congregation who had strong biblical teaching in every area of the church and was aligned with the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention

The first church on our list (and one we didn't consider a real possibility since it would be the farthest from our home) was Birchman Baptist Church in Fort Worth.  We decided to visit Birchman, because we had some friends who attended there and we knew many SWBTS faculty & students attended as well.  Wes was also personally acquainted with the pastor, Dr. Bob Pearle.

Our first visit to BBC was on Sunday, September 18th.  As we arrived that morning Wes and I planned to attend a couples Sunday School class, but when we walked down the hall where the kids classes were Katherine noticed a sign on the wall with a name she recognized as a friend of her dad's, Dr. Malcolm Yarnell.  The sign displayed the information for Dr. Yarnell's Sunday School class.  I knew then Wes & I were headed for different classes that morning.

I decided to attend the one of the ladies classes co-taught by Dr. Yarnell's wife, Karen, since she & I had met once.  I had no idea when I entered the classroom that morning I would leave holding back tears, because I longed to be a part of this class where the Bible was taught and taught with knowledge and passion.  It was apparent I would be challenged each week not to be laid back in my walk with the Lord, but be challenged to grow and flourish.

After Sunday School I met back up with Wes and the kids.  As we each chatted about our Sunday school class it was apparent that Wes and I loved our classes and the kids enjoyed theirs as well.  We looked forward to the worship service.

On this particular Sunday BBC was kicking off their BOLDCOURSE Discipleship.   BOLDCOURSE is church wide focus on reading the Word of God, mediating upon it, praying for each other and interceding for the lost around the world together, in a unified effort, every single day.  It's a challenge and process of discipleship that is measurable, effective, and useful in helping you and your family grow in Christ. *

We left that day knowing God could grow and teach us at  BBC, but we knew there were other congregations we wanted to visit and believed we'd find one closer to our home than BBC.

Okay, if you're still reading this rather long and wordy post you've already figured out that we ultimately united in fellowship with Birchman Baptist Church in Fort Worth.  We did so Sunday, and if you follow me on twitter or facebook you probably read my tweet about it.  We did visit a couple other local churches, but we knew God was leading us back to Birchman.

Over the next couple weeks I'll be sharing about some areas Wes and I felt were important to our family when choosing a church.

*Description taken from

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