Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Here is my favorite resolution and one I make every year:

     I'm not going to make a resolution!

That is a resolution I make & keep every year.  It works out nicely!

I still hold to that idea, but I was reading over at Owl Creek Cottage, and through her post Not the End I found myself reminded that it is good to have goals.  If I don't have a goals I won't desire to grow and learn more, so with that I decided I'd set some goals and start the process of working towards those goals. 

One of the goals I have set for myself is to be more intentional about reading.  This is new for me as I was NOT the child growing up that always had a book in her hand.  There were books I enjoyed reading as a kid, but I wasn't known as a book worm.  I had those friends who ALWAYS had a book in their hand.  They read at every spare moment they had.  Well, that just wasn't me!

Thanks to my father-in-law, Verne Kenney, who has shown me through the years how important it is to continue to learn, and for my sister-in-law, Julia Peterson, who has inspired me to be more intentional about reading this year at A Year of Reading Regularly, I am setting a goal to read two books a month.

I have plenty of books on my bookshelf that I've planned to read for a while or books I started and never completed to keep me reading for several months. This will be a challenge for me, but I'm excited to begin this goal of reading more.

Now, it's your turn!  Do you have specific goals for this year?  If you do, then leave me a comment and let me know what it is.  I'd love to hear about it.

1 comment:

Diana said...

stop drinking pop, better money habits, more time in the Word.